Sunday, August 7, 2011

Still watering...

I've fallen behind on my blog postings, but not because I have quit watering the bamboo! Over the past month, I have been ear-deep in website design, SEO self-study, marketing techniques, networking, business plans and personal discovery.

The website is taking shape. It now links to Tyton's FB and Twitter accounts, posts our blog, along with an RSS option, links to another website ( where customers can review our company and a feed from our Twitter posts. Whew! I've also been exploring how to move our site up on the Google results through SEO.

In the meantime, I've continued to explore potential career paths to follow. Everyday, I feel more and more compelled to shift away from school/site-based educational positions. At this point, I'm seriously considering leaping into the field of real estate. It's a far cry from the field of education, but it speaks to my heart.

I've also determined over the past couple of weeks that a career focused in sales could be a good fit for me, but it is VERY dependent on what I'm selling. If I'm selling real estate, great! If I'm selling insurance, no thank you!

Income is important, too. I made decent money in my last job, so looking to positions that pay $30 or $40K a year hurts. But, at the same time, I could make $150K in a job I hate, but it would still be a job I hate. I'm tired of getting up everyday to go to job I'm so miserable doing. I need one that I love!

So, as I continue to water my bamboo, I need to go back to the core values I identified at the beginning of this process and see how they fit into my ideal job. I'll also be exploring how the finances will work out and plan to complete a CIS to identify other possible careers I haven't thought of that will fit into my ideals.

I'll also be posting the titles of books I am reading and, when I think of it, I'll post my thoughts on the topic and on the book itself.

Until next time, in the words of Howard Shultz, ONWARD!

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