As part of my reading to assist in building the marketing and branding position of the construction company I'm working with, I was inspired to use these same techniques to market something I'm really in need of "selling" - ME! I felt like it was time to break out of the cover letter, resume, boring, boring, boring routine and exercise my marketing skills!
So, to do this, I launched accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and, of course, Blogspot to profile my skills, traits, personality and professional life. I will be blogging, tweeting and posting on topics related to marketing, design, advertising, branding, public relations and the like.
To start, I created a fan page on Facebook to be my public profile for prospective employers. While I have nothing to hide in my personal profile, I didn't really think that they would want to read about the kids' activities or follow my Farmville progress!
Once the page was created, I asked my friends to support my cause by posting the following to my personal profile: